Monday, December 02, 2019

Season's greeting and round robin

Dear Friends and supporters,
December is a wonderful time of the year when I can wish you all the very best for Christmas, Bodhi Day, Return of the Wandering Goddess, Id al-Fitr, Winter Solstice,  Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yuletide & Saturnalia and a healthy, loving, peaceful and prosperous year 2020.
Thank you for contributing to the success of JFDE.
Here is my round robin of the year: :-)
Please note and see at the bottom of this email my new websites and email addresses.
The Gay Professional Network met regularly this year, it included a reception at the House of Lords hosted by The Lord Scriven of Hunters Bar and  various talks by  Sir Stephen Wall, Joseph Galliano,  Andrew Lumsden and dinners and plenty of networking!
In 2020, GPN's 10th anniversary  year,  we kick out the year with Matthew Hodson followed by Pliny Soocoormanee and Peta Cooper, Ed Davies, Carla Ecola, Peter Tatchell, Dan Nouveau, Mark Bunyan, Ian Dodds and Paul Burston.
The Network saw its revival after a few month away  and we had talks by Roland Marsden about China and Kim Rix about Diamonds.
In 2020, we kick out with Frank Mc Gillion about his books, Cedric Torossian about PropTech , Dexter Moscow about 'standing up and sell!' Sandra Shevey about Alfred Hitchcock
I promoted various other events, one of which sadly fell on this blackest of Black Friday.
As an event organiser, I organised and recommended various venues for various events that will remain nameless to protect the privacy of my clients and businesses.
As a catering consultant,  people keep trying to pick my brain so I ask them to pick a time and method of payment:  Good advice saves you bucks  and free advice peanuts. I am well worth the investment.
I came to a sudden conclusion that it is now 40 years that I started Hotel School and started work alongside it.
As Hon. Secretary of the Whitefriars Club,and under the chairmanship of Alessandro Gallenzi  our dinners were graced by the presence, their talks and even songs, in one instance,  of Sir John Tomlinson,  Nigel Newton, Sir Anthony Beevor, Lisa Hilton, Anthony Mc Carten, A.N. Wilson and Kate Mosse .
In 2020 Bee Rowlatt and Richard Stokes are coming to speak to us.
I did a few films but less so now as I travel to and fro Belgium, Wales and London and occasionally to other shores. Check me on 
My painting is evolving too and you can see some on on
Season's Greetings!
It remains to me to wish you and your family a wonderful end of year's festivities
Yours ever,

PS: just in case you wonder what is the return of the Wandering Goddess or other festivities, please look at
Please note the new websites and emails addresses:
Please delete from your database,, &  that are no longer in use.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

DANCE, MUSIC & CONVERSATION with Menaka PP Bora, Alan Yentob & Guests - Royal Albert Hall Friday 29th November @7:30pm

Dr. Menaka PP Bora
Multi-award winning classical dance soloist, Bollywood choreographer-actor and musicologist.
Celebrated for her youthful take on classical dance and music, Menaka is the winner of the coveted Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships in Music in Britain and Sangeet Natak Akademi Yuva Puraskar (India's most prestigious national award in classical dance)
Alan Yentob
Legendary British TV broadcaster and former Creative Director of BBC
In conversation with Menaka PP Bora
Hope you are well and that you will be able to support Menaka PP Bora in her Elgar Room debut performance at the Royal Albert Hall, in the Elgar Room,  on Friday 29th November 2019 at 7:30pm.
This show is multi-cultural and  includes freshly choreographed pieces from classical and experimental South Asian dance and music and is a milestone in her career.
8 pm: The show starts in a conversation on ideas, inspiration and humanity in 21st century cross-cultural London with legendary British TV broadcaster and former Creative Director of BBC, Alan Yentob.
 8:35 pm: South Asian classical dances including Sattriya - a 16th century old Indian classical dance from Assam based on traditional drums and music and blended with modern sound technology (the track was played on BBC Radio as world music), played by renowned guests musician and musicologists Prof. John Baily and Veronica Doubleday.
9:00 pm: Interval  - Refreshments available in the room.
9:15 pm: Experimental dance inspired by India followed by raga based music and dance piece , Lariya. This will be played with a rare Afghan instrument called Rubab, see below.
9:45 pm: Carriages
Thank you for your consideration and do get your tickets soon with the Royal Albert Hall directly (£16.50) on
Yours sincerely, 
Rubab, robab or rabab is a lute-like musical instrument originating from central Afghanistan. The rubab is mainly used by various ethnic groups in Western Asia. Rubab is one of the national musical instruments of Afghanistan. It has "proliferated throughout West, Central, South and Southeast Asia.
This show is cross-cultural, emphasizing The Arts and looking into the Orient.
DANCE, MUSIC & CONVERSATION with Menaka PP Bora & Guests
This show brings together an immersive visual world using contemporary classical and experimental South Asian dance and music responding to a fresh conversation on culture and identity in contemporary London.

“ the exquisite Indian dancer...” (The Skinny at Edinburgh Festival) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Get in touch with me via the social media outlined below, click on the icons below

Saturday, November 02, 2019

DANCE, MUSIC & CONVERSATION with Menaka PP Bora & Guests - Friday 29th November @7:30pm. Join me to support her first appearance at the Royal Albert Hall.

Dear Friends,
I have known Menaka for some times now and I am delighted to let you know that she will be at the Royal Albert Hall, in the Elgar Room,  on the 29th November 2019 at 7:30pm.
I hope that you will be able to join me in supporting her.
Buy your tickets with the Royal Albert Hall directly (£16.50) on
Yours sincerely, 
DANCE, MUSIC & CONVERSATION with Menaka PP Bora & Guests
This show brings together an immersive visual world using contemporary classical and experimental South Asian dance and music responding to a fresh conversation on culture and identity in contemporary London.

Multi-award winning classical dance soloist, Bollywood choreographer-actor and musicologist Dr. Menaka PP Bora makes her debut at Royal Albert Hall's Elgar Room by performing freshly choreographed pieces from classical and experimental South Asian dance and music including the rare 16th century Indian classical Sattriya dance of Assam along with renowned guest musicians and musicologists Prof. John Baily and Veronica Doubleday. Celebrated for her youthful take on classical dance and music, Menaka is the winner of the coveted Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships in Music in Britain and Sangeet Natak Akademi Yuva Puraskar (India's most prestigious national award in classical dance). There will be a short in - conversation about ideas, inspiration and humanity in the 21st century cross-cultural London.

“ the exquisite Indian dancer...” (The Skinny at Edinburgh Festival) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Cette histoire des rapports que les îles Britanniques ont entretenus avec le continent européen, de l’Antiquité romaine à nos jours, va retracer le rôle politique, économique et culturel que les Anglais ont joué dans l’histoire de l’Europe à travers les siècles. Elle s’efforcera de montrer et de faire comprendre comment les Britanniques ont perçu leur place et leur destin en Europe, et par rapport à l’Europe, au fil du temps. Ce cycle de huit conférences tentera de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques de la relation des Britanniques au continent européen et leur vision de l’Europe, propres à chaque époque. Les plus grands spécialistes de l’université française ont été sollicités pour mener à bien cette synthèse que l’Association des Historiens vous invite à suivre pour mieux comprendre la période actuelle. 
Mercredi 16 octobre 2019 à 18h15 - Lycée Charles-de-Gaulle Conf 1 / Les îles Britanniques et l’Europe, de la conquête romaine à Hastings Par Leo Carruthers, professeur émérite à la faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université 
Mercredi 20 novembre à 18h15 - Lycée international de Londres Conf 2 / Le royaume sur les deux rives de la Manche (1066-1453) Par Jean-Philippe Genet, professeur émérite à l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 
Mercredi 4 décembre à 18h15 - Lycée Charles-de-Gaulle Conf 3 / L’Angleterre des Tudors et l’Europe (1483-1603) Par Charles Giry-Deloison, professeur à l’université d’Artois 
Mercredi 15 janvier 2020 à 18h15 - Lycée international de Londres Conf 4 / L’Angleterre des révolutions et l’Europe (1603-1688) Par le recteur Poussou, professeur émérite à la faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université 
Mardi 11 février à 18h15 - Lycée Charles-de-Gaulle Conf 5 / L’affirmation d’une puissance en Europe (1688-1748) Par Lucien Bély, professeur à la faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université 
Mercredi 4 mars à 18h15 - Lycée international de Londres Conf 6 / L’arbitre de l’Europe (1748-1815) Par Edmond Dziembowski, professeur émérite à l’université de Franche-Comté 
Mercredi 1er avril à 18h15 - Lycée Charles-de-Gaulle Conf 7 / La première puissance mondiale et l’Europe (1815-1914) Par Philippe Chassaigne, professeur à l’université Bordeaux Montaigne 
Mercredi 29 avril à 18h15 - Lycée international de Londres Conf 8 / L’Angleterre et l’Europe, de la Grande Guerre au Brexit Par François-Charles Mougel, professeur honoraire à Sciences Po Bordeaux 
Once upon a time...Il était une fois 
Venez écouter, un soir par mois, un universitaire français de renom raconter l’histoire de l’Europe 
Avec un cycle de huit conférences consacré à « L'histoire des relations de l’Angleterre avec l’Europe, de l’Antiquité romaine à nos jours » 
L’Association des Historiens et ses partenaires vous invitent à mieux comprendre ce qui se joue aujourd’hui à travers le BREXIT, pour les Britanniques, mais aussi pour l’Europe ! 
Du 16 octobre 2019 au 29 avril 2020, de 18H15 à 20H, les conférences, en français, se tiendront en alternance au Lycée français de Londres et au Lycée international de Londres
En accueillant « Les Mercredis de l’Histoire de l’Europe », destinés tant à leurs grands élèves, aux parents, au corps enseignant, qu’à un large public scientifique ou amateur, Mireille Rabaté, proviseur du Lycée International de Londres Didier Devilard, proviseur du Lycée Charles de Gaulle répondent à la mission de leur établissement, d’ouverture sur le monde et de diffusion du savoir. 
Les conférences d’1h30, suivies d’un temps pour les questions, se prolongeront par une séance de dédicaces et de vente de livres, organisée par la libraire française de Londres, « La Page ». 
L’Association des Historiens a été fondée à Paris en 1997 par soixante historiens convaincus que l’histoire est indispensable à l’intelligence du présent et nécessaire à toute réflexion pertinente sur l’avenir. Les cycles de conférences qu’elle propose, assurées par d’éminents universitaires, présentent de grandes synthèses chronologiques accessibles à un large public. Leur ambition est de nous permettre de mieux comprendre d’où nous venons, quels héritages nous portons, et d’éclairer le chemin où nous allons.